Society for Family Health excels in TB case finding in Zamfara state.
By Zaynab Usman Nyako, (State Team Lead, Zamfara state)

World Tuberculosis Day is observed globally on March 24 to educate the public about the impact of TB around the world. The theme of world tuberculosis day 2023 is “YES WE CAN END TB” which aims to inspire hope and encourage high-level leadership, increased investments, faster uptake of new WHO recommendations, adoption of innovations, accelerated action, and multisectoral collaboration to combat the TB epidemic.
Zamfara state Ministry of Health and other NGO’s partners including SFH-KP-CARE 2 joined their counterparts all over the world to commemorate the day. The Director of Public Health, Dr Sani Aliyu Wanzamai who represented the Hon. Commissioner of Health stated that there had been a tremendous increase in case finding from 2021 to 2022 with an increase in individuals and organisation’s partnerships. Treatment coverage also increased from 81% in 2021 to 96% in 2022 due to efforts of organisations like the Society for Family Health.

In recognition of the selfless service, dedication, and support to the success of the TB and Leprosy control programme in the state, SFH was presented with a certificate of recognition which was received by the SFH-KP-CARE 2 Project STL, Zaynab Usman Nyako.