Evaluation of a Digital Hybrid Training Course on Hormonal IUD in Nigeria: A Mixed Methods Study
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- Last Updated December 5, 2023
Evaluation of a Digital Hybrid Training Course on Hormonal IUD in Nigeria: A Mixed Methods Study
Provider trainings on new family planning (FP) methods in Nigeria, such as the hormonal intra-uterine device (IUD), are typically conducted in-person using a combination of didactic, classroom-based learning & practice on models, followed by a practicum with live clients. Replacing the didactic portion of provider trainings with a digital curriculum has the potential to effectively train providers on new methods at a lower cost than in-person approaches.
While digital provider trainings are recommended as an enhancement to FP high impact practices (HIPs), relatively little is known about the feasibility, acceptability, & costs of hybrid digital provider trainings in Nigeria. With support from USAID and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Society for Family Health through its Research for Scalable Solutions (R4S) Project & the Learning about Expanded Access & Potential of Hormonal IUD (LEAP) Project conducted a mixed-methods evaluation of a hybrid digital training for FP providers on the hormonal IUD.